Sunday, June 20, 2010

Savannah's and Alexander's Schedule

This is their everyday schedule. It has worked so well. The babies always sleep and eat at the same time. They are excellent babies and I am so grateful. Schedules are a must.

7:00-7:30 Wake up

7:30-8:15 Play with toys

8:15-9:00 Take first nap

10:00-10:30 Wake up from nap and eat

10:30-12:00 Get dressed, comb hair and give vitamin, Play, read books, tummy time, walk etc.

12:00-12:30 Take second nap

1:45-2:30 Wake up and eat

2:30-5:30 Swing time, bouncy seat, run errands, play mats and play time, listen to music etc.

5:30 Eat

6:00-6:30 Third nap time

7:00-7:15 Wake up from nap and have playtime

7:50 Bedtime Routine

8:00-8:10 Eat

8:15-8:30 Bedtime


Shari said...

What happens between 9:00am and 10:00 am....I must know!!!

Aubrey said...

I love the comb hair part. I probably comb Tyler's hair with an actual comb (not my hands) once a week. This will be fun to look back on.