Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Here are some pictures of the babies on
St. Patrick’s Day!


Shari said...

Those little munchkins are so stinking cute!! I can't wait to see them tomorrow =)

Anna said...

Awww...twins are such fun. I mean I'm happy I'm having just one, but I love to look at yours :)

Melanie and Daniel said...

I am so glad you posted more pics. They are adorable!

Rob and Mercedi said...

I still can't believe you have twins! They are darling! I hope you're doing well!

Shauna said...

Oh my! How cute!!!! I love em!

Aubrey said...

So cute and festive!

linda said...

Just looked through your blog, your babies are adorable! Looks like they're best I'm sure they'll always be.