Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fish Lake! The babies first camping trip!

Alexander and Savannah went on their first camping trip. We went to fish lake and we stayed with Shari and Corey in their camp trailer. It was super fun. I enjoyed being outdoors. The babies did exceptionally well on the drive and they were happy while we were camping. So it made the trip that much more fun! We got these cute jackets for the babies at the Bowery by the lake. They look so cute!

We took a scenic drive up Seven Mile. It was gorgeous.

I love sunsets!

I caught my first fish. Yay! I ended up catching two fish. We had some much fun fishing. We would go the lake every night just before sunset. I was nice and cool. Everyone caught a fish each night. Awesome!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

I love that you'll take the babies camping even though it makes it harder. Dave and I love camping, but we haven't been since before Malia was born. Those are some great pictures!