Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This summer we have used the pool more than the all the other years we have been here. We bought the babies floaties and swimsuits to use in the pool. Alexander loves to play in the water and he always flaps his arms and legs as if he is trying to swim. Savannah is pretty laid back. But she does love to slap her hands and make a splash. It also has been fun to have family over and play in the pool. I am loving summer and being outdoors.


Aubrey said...

Cute! I didn't even know you had a pool there. That's great that your babies like it.

Tanielle Callaway said...

So, Tami, this is your long lost cousin...I need to get your email, so that I can invite you to my blog and then we can keep in touch!! I had a blast at the BBQ and hopefully, we can still get together with you guys. tanielle