Monday, June 30, 2008

Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld rocks! We had a blast laughing at all the funny jokes with our friends Jason and Rachel. We started off the night at the Old Spaghetti Factory. When we finished dinner, we went to Abravel Hall in Downtown Salt Lake to see Jerry. He said so many funny jokes. He said some phone jokes that were hilarious. I would tell you all the joke s but it wouldn't be as funny as Jerry is. Overall, great night!!!


Charayne said...

He is so funny. Sounds like you had a great time. I am so glad that you have a blog is a lot easier to keep up with everyone since we all get so busy. :) Talk to you soon.

Meredith said...

I'm so glad you had a fun time! Jerry Seinfeld is way funny!

Rob and Mercedi said...

I'm so glad you're a blogger! I am a little addicted! Congrats with school! What a great accomplishment. I heard that Jerry is really funny. I've wanted to go when he's here, but I'm nervous he wouldn't be as clean as in Utah.
I'm excited to keep up with what you're doing! I'm coming to SLC again on the 14th. We'll do something if you can squeeze me in your busy schedule.
Sorry this is such a long comment. We'll talk soon!