Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our Life in a Nutshell!!!

A list of things that Jason and I have been up to the last few weeks:
*Museum of Fine Arts and going to the Pie for lunch
*Two family reunions
*Hiking to the U on the Mountain (Next we are going to hike to the best letter on the mountain the Y)
*Trip to San Diego
*Playing Games with our friends (Settlers of Catan: our favorite game)
*State Fair
*Playing Tennis 3x a week
*We had our 2 year anniversary! Yeah!

Jason has been working and doing school full time. I am finally done with school. I got my diploma in the mail on Saturday. It was awesome! Now I am just working full time and loving it. Overall, things are going really well for us!

Here are some pictures of us at Lagoon!

Jas and I on the Ferris Wheel! Can i say it is hard to get great pictures on the rides at Lagoon!
My nephew Eric and my niece Katie on the Ferris Wheel!
Can I say it was Windy!!!
My sister-in-law Crista and my niece Heather in the bumper cars and Of course Me!


Rob and Mercedi said...

I have a serious passion for Settlers for Catan. If you haven't taken it to the next level with "Cities and Knights" you have not lived! Do it, you'll love it!

Meredith said...

How fun! Happy belated Anniversary!

Crista said...

Tami you and Jason are so cute!! You did a great job on this blog!! It makes me want to go back to San Deigo. Thanks for sharing!!

p.s. we might have to talk about a certain picture though.